Truth in Fiction

Can there be truth in fiction? Not just facts and figures, but truth about the way the world works or essential truths that are representative of God’s creation, but found in the stories we love. Some of my favorite stories growing up showed true heroes and heroines battling against clear evil. They often sacrificed all they cared about and sometimes even their own lives to provide salvation. This is the Gospel story, and there is nothing more true than that.

In 2021, I started my own attempts at writing truth in fiction. This was in part inspired by a discussion on Truth and Beauty by the author Andrew Klavan. My hope is to have an honest approach to ideas laid out in fictional stories. In these stories, the goal is to represent what is real, true, and good through the narrative of the story.

In my first book series, After It’s Over, the story unfolds from the perspective of a survivor of the pandemic lockdowns. In this post-apocalyptic survival thriller, we imagine a world where government policies ultimately led to the destruction of society. This two book series is complete and available on Kindle, Kindle Vella and in print.

My second book series, The Force of Magic, is a blend of two of my favorite genres from childhood, fantasy and super heroes. In our story, two young heroes must use their newfound magical powers to band together with a rebellion to fight back against the Dominion. It is a trilogy and will be complete by the end of 2023.

Stories on Kindle Vella

In addition to full books, I’ve written stories on Amazon’s Kindle Vella Platform.